Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/7/2021 - 7:00 PM
Category: Information and Study Items
Type: Info
Subject: Candidates for the Santa Clara County Committee on School District Organization
District Priorities:
File Attachment:
1st letter to districts.pdf
District Rep List_2021.pdf
Summary: Whenever, there is a Santa Clara County Committee election the Cambrian Board is asked for their input and help to identify and encourage qualified candidates to stand for election to the Santa Clara County Committee.

There are eleven seats on the County Committee. This year, three seats are up for election, one each in Supervisorial Districts 1, 3, and 5.

Supervisorial District 1: Area contains most of south county, encompassing all or parts of the following school districts: Cambrian, Franklin-McKinley, Gilroy Unified, Lakeside Union, Loma Prieta Joint Union, Los Gatos Union, Morgan Hill Unified, Oak Grove, San Jose Unified, Saratoga Union, Union, Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High, and portions of Campbell Union High, East Side Union High.

Supervisorial District 3: Area contains most of northeast county, encompassing all or parts of the following school districts: Alum Rock Union Elementary, Berryessa Union, Cupertino Union, Evergreen, Milpitas Unified, Mount Pleasant, Mountain View-Whisman, Oak Grove, Orchard, San Jose Unified, Santa Clara Unified, portions of East Side Union High, and Sunnyvale.

Supervisorial District 5: Area contains most of northwest county, encompassing all or parts of the following school districts:* Campbell Union, Cupertino Union, Los Altos, Moreland, Mountain View-Whisman, Palo Alto Unified, Santa Clara Unified, Saratoga Union, Sunnyvale, and portions of Fremont Union High, Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High, and Campbell Union High.
Recommendation: The Board to identify and encourage qualified candidates to stand for election to the Santa Clara County Committee on School District Organization.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Carlena Grandey - Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Signed By:
Kristi Schwiebert - Superintendent