Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/5/2021 - 7:00 PM
Category: Information and Study Items
Type: Info/Action
Subject: Measure R: Seismic Proposal Study
District Priorities:
File Attachment:
Hobach Lewin - Cambrian seismic proposal 7-7-21.pdf
RGM Kramer - Cambrian Seismic Evaluation Study PPT 21-8-5.pdf
Summary: The Division of the State Architect requires districts to meet current building codes when modernizing existing school buildings if the cost of modernizations exceeds 50% of the replacement value of the building. An evaluation is necessary to assess the seismic strength of 32 of the District’s older buildings and provide an engineering basis for possible seismic upgrades to be performed during the Measure R modernizations.

Sites in which buildings are being assessed:
Funding: Measure R Bond
Recommendation: Staff recommends approving the contract with Hobach Lewin Inc. for $175,000 to perform seismic evaluation on 32 buildings at 5 school sites.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Carlena Grandey - Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Signed By:
Kristi Schwiebert - Superintendent